Firefox European average share approaches 29%
Europe users always favor and adds Mozilla Firefox, the red fox is to soar constantly too in local market share. Measured according to XiTi, Firefox has already captured 28.8% of the European tabletop, improved by 4.5 percentage points within one year.
Last October, Firefox share in 32 European countries had slightly glided to 27.0%, but began to be recovering, increasing constantly subsequently, improved by 0.8 percentage points in the first three months this year.
The fastest-rising country is Andorra, improved by 2.1 percentage points from February of this year to March, up to 24.8%, in addition Hungary increase 1.2 percentage point, share high Finland increase by 1.0 percentage points too most. Firefox European average share approaches 29% MP3 Player Sale
National popularity, Finland still ranks the first, and has already been up to 45.9%, Slovenia where the momentum glided has lost the second, Poland follows Finland closely with 44.0%, exceeds 0.3 percentage points in Slovenia. Other share are higher and 42.7% of Slovakia, 41.4% of Hungary, 37.4% of Czech, Estonia 37.2%
France is slightly lower than average level with 26.8%. 15.2% of Ukraine, 16.4% of Holland, 18.1% of Monaco, 19.1% of Denmark, 19.3% of Britain,etc. though share is lower, but improve to some extent, Ukraine increases by 0.9 percentage points between January even more.